Candy lollipop molds are available in many different shapes and sizes so you are sure to find the perfect one for your project. Candy making themes include animals, parties, basic kid designs and cheerful holiday themes. They are the perfect addition to any special school event, birthday party, holiday gathering, and even fund raisers.
There are three different styles of candy making molds, and the one most commonly used in candy making for creating lollipops are the flat candy lollipop molds. The different molds can be found in craft stores, cooking supply stores, and in many different stores online. The only difference between candy lollipop molds and the typical flat candy making mold is that the lollipop mold will have a specific spot for inserting the lollipop stick. Other lollipop molds use a circular clip, which is simply released once the candy has cooled, and which also contains an opening to insert the stick.
The most appealing aspect of flat candy lollipop molds is that they are very easy to use. They are inexpensive, and there is a wide range of designs available. These molds can be used to make massive batches that will include a great variety and shapes and designs. The process with these molds is no different than it is for any other hard candy making. The candy is melted and then poured into your candy lollipop molds. After it has set, the mold can be turned over and tapped so the lollipop will come out. The result will be a lollipop that has a pleasing shape on one side and is flat on the other.There are also molds that are flat on both sides, creating a pleasing, traditional look to your lollipops.
- July 20th is National Lollipop day and the best way to celebrate this is to pull out the candy lollipop molds and make some colorful candy lollipops !
Also look for 3D candy molds for creating lollipops that have shapes on both sides. These candies are created by using two molds; one for the front and one for the back. This makes the entire process a little more time-consuming, as the candy is first poured into one side of these candy lollipop molds, nearly to the top, and then allowed to cool. Then, the other side is also filled; stopping within a quarter inch of the mold's top. Just before it is completely hard, the first side is pulled from its mold and carefully matched to the second side. If the second piece has hardened too much for the pieces to attach, some corn syrup can be used to affix the two sides together. There are also hinged 3D molds where you simply fold the candy lollipop molds pieces together once the candy has reached the ideal level of hardness.
The last type of candy making mold is a hollow mold that is rarely used for lollipops. This hollow mold will create a custom candy that you can fill with almost any confection. Chocolate is the most common confection used for creating filled candies. Ganache, caramel, peanut butter, cherries and other cream or liquid fillings are fantastic choices for creating these very popular filled chocolates. And there is always the highly popular choice of combining two different types of chocolate in one candy.
Here is a short description: The interior of the mold is actually painted with the melted chocolate and then chilled so the chocolate can harden before the next layer is added. The chocolate should only be refrigerated long enough to chill the chocolate. Chilling it too much will cause the chocolate to sweat as it is brought back to room temperature. Several paintings will produce a chocolate shell thick enough that light can not be seen through it. A prepared mix can be used to fill the chocolates. Once the filling is in place, the bottom is simply closed off with more chocolate. The entire candy should be cooled one final time and the end result will be fantastic chocolates with a hidden surprise!
Candy lollipop molds are the simplest to use, and while filled candy making is more time-consuming, they can be the most interesting. Lastly, complex shapes like Easter bunnies and other shapes can be created using 3D molds without creating a lot of extra work.