Scientists across the world have run countless tests to establish whether bottled water is healthier for you than what comes out of your regular old faucet. The conclusions vary greatly. Some scientists say that they can prove tap water is completely harmless, while others argue that it's unhealthy and dangerous (the owner of Pepsi actually came out and basically said to avoid it at all costs!)
Tap Water Fact: all municipal water systems in the US are subject to the Safe Drinking Water Act, and your city water is constantly being studied for harmful substances. It's also regularly filtered and treated with chlorine or other disinfectants to eliminate harmful bacteria.
Why buy bottled with tap is free?
While having the option to buy bottled water at the nearest gas station is certainly convenient, critics argue that the amount of plastic waste will end up destroying our natural resources. Their thinking is: if there is little proof that indicates that tap water is actually harmful, then why waste our dollars and precious resources selling/buying something that we can get for free?
Well, the truth is that having bottled water regularly available in every store and on every block is something we've come to want and expect regardless of the waste. What's more satisfying then grabbing an ice cold Evian on a hot summer afternoon? Also, most people prefer the taste and color of purified to tap.
Can't Stand the Taste of Tap Water? Invest in a Water Purifier
If you can't stand the taste, odor, or smell of what comes out of your home tap or if it's heavy with minerals, consider getting it analyzed by a Utah water softener specialist to identify if any and what types of pollutants are present. This will help you figure out what type of treatment is best for your home. At home purification systems can satisfy your need for clean and clear tasting water, reduce plastic waste and costs (as long as you reusable cups or bottles!), and distinguish fears about bacteria floating in your glass.