
What Is Wheat Germ?

Wheat germ is considered one of the most nutritious natural foods in the world. Containing over two dozen different nutrients. In fact, germ has more nutrients per ounce than any other vegetable or grain.

Where Does Wheat Germ Come From?

Found in the interior part of a kernel of wheat. The word "germ" refers to the interior part of the kernel and is essentially a tiny undeveloped piece of wheat.

A single germ makes up only two percent of the weight of the wheat kernel. The germ is the reproductive part of the kernel that "germinates" and eventually forms the grassy part of a wheat plant.

What Nutrients Does Wheat Germ Contain?

The germ is a "complete protein"; this means it has all nine essential amino acids that your body uses to create a protein. That's why it is a big part of a vegetarian diet.

Besides protein, the germ is said to contain almost thirty nutrients. Here's a partial list:

Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
Pantothenic Acid

What Are the Benefits of Wheat Germ?

A great way for people to get protein without eating meat. Your body needs protein to repair tissue damage, feed nutrients to our cells, and other functions. Germ is a very healthy and easy to prepare source of protein.

Besides protein, remember that wheat germ has more potassium and iron than any other food on the planet. Vitamins B1 and B3, present in high amounts, are extremely important in keeping your body energized. Think of it as muscle food AND brain food.

Wheat Germ & Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient. It is the body's most important antioxidant--these help prevent cancer and other diseases, slow down your body's natural aging process, and can even prevent heart disease and stroke. Vitamin E is like a miracle anti-aging drug that just happens to reduce the severity of blood clots and boosts your body's immune system.

Lots of high-caliber athletes use it for both protein and Vitamin E boosts. Vitamin E improves the performance of the heart and all other muscles by increasing red blood cell flow to the muscles. Far from just another hippie health food, germ is the driving force behind many huge athletic bodies, even body builders depend on it to pack on the protein.

If you aren't ready to jump into eating raw germ, stores sell all kinds of products containing germ that are easier on the palate. Many breakfast cereals are made with germ, as well as various kinds of bread, grains, and flour.

