
Consequences of Sweet Indulgence

There are several health risks found in too much indulgence with sweets. It doesn't even matter how seldom or often you gave in to such cravings, it is vital that you take into account your health, especially your heart to avoid some complications in the future.

According to research, additive sugars when taken daily has the high risk of developing heart ailments. Not only some of your body's protein needs would sink low, but you may be unaware that some added sugar are not compatible to your skin, you could be allergic to it.

By studying about 6000 adults dieting habits, they were clustered based on their sugar intake and their cholesterol levels. It was found that 16 percent of their daily calories were from sugar that was added to their diets.

The smallest amount of sugar per day was 3 teaspoons. The largest amount of sugar per day was 46 teaspoons.

It was observed too that the average sugar intake for women is 6 teaspoons while men usually has 9 teaspoons daily. And they were all based on added sugar and some preservatives used, and not derived from fruit itself.

Given this queries, researchers are persistent enough to convince food establishments eventually reduce the use of added sugars in their products and foods being sold in order to avoid health problems. Some companies even began putting some taxes in their beverages to lessen consumption of sugar contents foods.

Once tax on beverages were implemented, it is expected to lower the sales volumes the manufacturing firms has, contributing a great support from the research campaign against added sugar.

If we are well informed of the disadvantages of added sugars in our body, certain dreaded diseases could be avoided and such prolong our lives. It also proves that it is better to satisfy ourselves with the natural sweets found in fruits than to give in to such faux indulgences.

