
Becoming a Vegetarian: An Approach to Safely Transition Into Your New Diet

If you've made the choice to become a vegetarian or if you're interested in starting an animal-free diet, but you don't know where to start, then this article is for you. People choose to become vegetarians for multiple reasons of which include, but are not limited to religion, animal-activism, weight loss and health. It may seem like a difficult feat, but by following these simple steps, you'll be well on your way.

Categories of Vegetarianism

The first thing to do is decide what type of vegetarian you want to be. There are four main categories of vegetarian. You should consult your physician before committing to either of the following diets.

  • Vegans
  • do not eat any animal byproducts. Anything that derives from an animal is restricted in this diet; this includes all dairy products such as milk, eggs and cheese.
  • Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians
  • eat both
  • Pesco-Vegetarians
  • eat fish
  • Pollo-Vegetarians
  • eat chicken, turkey and duck

Choose Your Approach
Depending on your will power, you can choose to start by gradually cutting out the meat in your diet or you can choose to go cold tofurki. A gradual change is recommended so that you can adjust to the new system of eating. Taking slow steps toward your goal of vegetarianism will help you stay committed to the change and mentally prepare yourself to let go of certain food.

Food Choices
While you gradually remove meat from your diet it's important to be aware of the substitutes available to take the place of protein sources you are removing so that your health does not suffer from lack of protein. Almost all foods have traces of protein in them. There are also a lot of meat substitutes available as such as veggie hotdogs, burgers, deli slices and more. Just a few non-processed sources of protein include tofu, beans, falafel and hummus.

If you're looking for protein sources that you can snack on you might want to look into either of the following options. If you're not in the position to cook, if perhaps the movers are packing your things, these small and convenient options have enough nutrients to get you through your relocation: nuts, soybeans, dried fruit and vegetable based chips are just a few options.

Knowing the options you can choose from, understanding the different types of categories there are and choosing an approach will give you a better chance at sticking with and being comfortable with your new vegetarian diet. Like moving company insurance to protection of your items, these tips will foster a smooth transition to y our new diet.

