It's not often that people try eating something new or different. On the contrary, people tend to eat the same kinds of food day in and day out, even when it comes to something like seafood. For example, most people are familiar with cod, salmon, shrimp and crab, but they may not be too familiar with Alaska sole. If they were to go out on a limb and give it a try, they might be in for an extremely pleasant surprise, and in more ways than one.
The first surprise could manifest before you even start cooking. After all, when it comes to seafood not everyone is in it just for the taste. The environment needs to be taken into consideration as well, especially when the seafood is wild-caught like it is when it comes from Alaska. Fortunately for all parties involves, Alaska sole is harvested with sustainability in mind. In fact, all seafood from that state is caught using the sustainable yield principle as specified in the state's very constitution. Essentially, that means that fishing populations are kept under control so that future generations will be able to catch and enjoy the same kinds of delectable seafood that can be enjoyed now.
The next surprise would come when you find out that Alaska sole is available year round. You won't have to mark your calendar or be on the lookout for the right season. You can simply head over to the local market and pick some up whenever you're ready to enjoy a delicious meal.
As mentioned previously, your fish would be wild-caught just like any other fish harvested from Alaska. This stands in stark contrast to fish of the farm-bred variety that would be found elsewhere. Whenever seafood is allowed to grow and develop in its natural environment, it will attain a level of flavor and texture that just can't be matched through any other means. And when that natural environment is the pristine wilds of Alaska, that seafood will be destined for greatness. In essence Alaska sole was destined to be a delicacy.
The last two surprises are that it's easy to prepare and extremely nutritious. As long as the fish is not overpowered by anything else in the dish and its moisture is preserved, the flavors can only be enhanced. Also, very little handling is required because Alaska sole is usually available as boneless, skinless fillets. The fish itself is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, while being low in calories. With so many good surprises up its sleeve, you really can't go wrong by making it a part of your next meal.