It seems as though everywhere we turn, we hear about reducing our salt intake. We hear about all the negative side effects that an excess amount of salt can bring upon us, and it almost makes you we even need salt in our diet?
But the answer is a resounding yes! For without salt our bodies just would not be able to function properly. But as with anything else it needs to be kept in moderation.
How Much Do We Need?
The recommended daily intake for salt is between 1500 to 2400mg, which equals to about 1 tsp. or less, as 1 tsp. contains as much as 2400mg. However, according to studies, most people on the Western diet consume much more than 1 tsp. per day.
Thus you should monitor your intake and see whether or not you are consuming too much, and if so, then you should work on reducing the amount. Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, kidney stones, gout, stomach ulcers and cancer, osteoporosis, fluid retention, weight gain and cellulite.
How to Obtain Salt
There are basically two ways that you can obtain your salt in a healthy manner. The best way is naturally from dark green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, swiss chard, collards and other leafy greens. And the other way is by adding sea salt or table salt to your diet.
Table salt is found in all grocery stores as well as in convenient stores. And sea salt is usually only available in health food stores. But it is becoming more popular, and thus some grocery stores are beginning to carry it as well.
Note that fast and processed foods also contain salt, which needs to be taken into consideration when adding up your salt intake for the day.
Why We Need Salt
Digestion. Salt is needed in order for us to be able to digest any food. It helps to create the necessary acids known as hydrochloric acids, which help to break down the proteins.
Strong Bones and Teeth. Salt is essential for helping to build strong bones and teeth. If the salt levels become too low, then the body starts to draw salt from the bones in order to maintain a healthy pH level in the rest of the body.
Heart Health. When taken in the right amounts with water, salt can also help to maintain a healthy heart by lowering high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. In addition, salt also helps to regulate an irregular heart beat.
Diabetes. It is absolutely essential for those who suffer from diabetes to consume salt, as it helps to regulate the blood sugar levels, so that the insulin can be reduced.
Anti-Depressant. Did you know that salt acts as a natural anti-depressant? It not only helps to lift the moods, but it also helps to relax the body to help you deal with stressful situations.
Antihistamine. Salt acts as a natural antihistamine, which helps to relieve the stuffiness and congestion in the airways that make breathing difficult during a cold, or when suffering from asthma.