Peaches are one of those juicy fruits that each one of us would like to eat as many times as possible. Well, peaches are mostly seen in the markets in abundance only during July and August. So, if you still wish to have peaches during the off season, you have to depend on frozen peaches, which are not as tasty as the fresh ones. The good news is that there are different ways of storing peaches which can retain their taste and flavor to some extent. One such way is discussed below.
Before starting the freezing process, choose just those peaches that are ripe, but neither too soft nor too hard. The hard peaches, although can be frozen and would become tender after some time, will not have the same taste as the ripe ones.
In order to make a single quart of frozen peaches, you can select about five medium-sized peaches. Once this has been done, you then have to move on to the next step, which is preparing the sugar syrup. For those, who are calorie conscious, they may also use artificial sweetener instead of sugar. The main reason behind using sugar solution is that it prevents oxidation or browning of the fruit, and also stops the peaches from drying out. For making the sugar syrup, take two cups of sugar and six cups of water. This will yield seven cups of sugar syrup approximately. You need to boil the water first and then add sugar in it. The sugar must get dissolved in the water properly. Once the sugar solution is prepared, allow it to cool.
Come back to the peaches now. Start peeling the skin of the peaches. To peel them off easily, first insert them in boiling water and then immediately put them in ice cool water. This process will enable you to peel off the skin with ease. Then, dice the peaches according to the size you want. Add few drops of lemon juice and then place them in the sugar syrup. The last step would be to put them in a freezer bag. Seal the bag properly to avert any moisture entry. Place the bags carefully inside the freezer.